Penny Lane & Abbey Road's Story We adopted "Trudy" in the spring of 2009. She was extremely friendly but a bit shy, and with my family's love of the Beatles she soon became Penny Lane. It was not long before my 75 lb. lab brought her out of her shell. This was our first time owning a dachshund, and we quickly learned she LOVED food, and we needed to watch her weight. When we got her she weighed 20 lbs. and the vet said she needed to weigh 15lbs.
Fast forward to Feb. of 2010, I was going to be moving out with my yellow lab and I thought that Penny Lane might need a friend. We turned again to Homeward Bound. There were two dachshunds online that we liked, a male named Oscar and a female named Heidi. We thought for sure Oscar was going to be our guy but he was not interested in Penny. "Heidi" was also not interested in Penny. She was a tiny girl (only 4 lbs!) that wanted to sleep and kept getting trampled on by the other dogs... my dad and I could not resist her. I thought she would be perfect for my dad - Penny needed to lose weight but he could not stop giving her treats - this other dachshund needed to gain weight and he could focus his treat giving on her. We took her home and found another Beatles-ish name for her - Abbey Road. Abbey was extremely frighted of EVERYONE. We think she might have been tossed around in the puppy mill. Her ears were torn to bits and she wanted to fight with all of the dogs.
Today Abbey will approach people to be picked up.
She LOVES Penny and gives her love nips to show it.
She loves to sleep with my dad. She barks at all of
the big dogs to show how tough she is - all of them
except my yellow lab that she loves! She can sit pretty
and she now weighs about 7.5 lbs! Both of the girls
are healthy and with Abbey's weight gain Penny was
still able to lose weight....she now weighs 16 lbs!